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Easter Egg Party Needle Felting Kit


Looking for a new Easter or springtime craft? Whether you're wanting to fill up some quiet time or gather together with friends and family to make fun memories, these eggs won't disappoint.

The neat thing about this kit is that the wool eggs are already formed and partially felted, so you can jump to the decorating part more quickly without having to start the eggs from scratch. The detailed instruction booklet and video tutorial will walk you through the process of creating each egg, or you might decide to come up with your own unique designs.

Kit is beautifully packaged and includes:

12 wool eggs, already formed and partially felted (approximately 3"x2')
7 coordinating colors of needle felting wool
A dozen (!) felting needles - plenty to go around in case you're hosting a felting party
Detailed instruction booklet that also contains general needle felting information
Link to video tutorial (highly recommended!)

Optional add-on:

Another 12 eggs so that you can have even more felting fun. There is enough wool in the kit to decorate more eggs, so why not?! Last picture shows the set of extra eggs, which comes in a cotton bag.

This kit is intended for adults and kids over 10 yrs. who possess good manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and ability to work with focus and care. (Caution - felting needles are sharp!)