- We support Non-Profits using our kits and supplies to bring the joy of needle felting to the groups they serve. We appreciate all you do! To qualify, a Non-Profit must have a valid not-for-profit designation.
- Non-profit discounts cannot be combined with other discounts or sales, including free shipping discounts.
- We offer a non-profit discount on most items from our own branded line, but not all. We do not wholesale scrap bags, Clover/Dimensions tools, and the items on our “Everything Else” page. Some other items, such as core wool, coaster blanks, and every color boxes are only eligible for a partial discount. Subscription items are also ineligible for discounts at this time. To see a list of items that are eligible for full, partial, or no discount, please see our Felted Sky Non-Profit Discount Items page.
- We do not offer drop shipping at this time.
- We charge actual shipping for non-profit orders. Any shipping overages will be refunded. Please note that if your business address is located in a residential area you must choose either USPS or FedEx Home Delivery.
- If you have your own UPS or FedEx account that you would prefer to ship with, please contact us at info@feltedsky.com prior to placing your order.
- We prioritize our own retail orders when processing shipments. However, we will do our best to fulfill all non-profit orders within one week of purchase. Our busy season is typically September - February. During this time large orders may take a bit longer. If you have an event scheduled please notify us as far in advance as possible, and we will endeavor to ship with extra time.
- We do not currently enforce any minimums, although we may add these in future. We want you to be able to try out what you want.
- We do not offer net terms at this time. All payments are due in full at checkout.
- A list of "best sellers" for kits, wool colors, and more is available up on request; please contact us at info@feltedsky.com This list is regularly updated to reflect our own customers' buying trends.
- Some of our kits require, but do not come with, their own felting mats. It is important that you read each listing carefully and purchase mats separately for kits that need them. If you already have mats from other suppliers, that is fine; they do not have to be ours. Kits and mats need to be added to the cart separately to receive wholesale pricing.
- Please remember that felting needles can break very easily, especially with inexperienced felters. We recommend purchasing bulk needle packs to have spares on hand for your events.
- We do not allow rebranding, shared branding, or un-branding of any of our products. Please keep our Felted Sky packaging on our products. Thanks!
- We encourage people to shop local! Brick and mortar stores who are approved will be added to our list of active retailers. If you need supplies quickly, there may be a store near you that carries our supplies. Please note though that your Felted Sky non-profit discount only works on feltedsky.com
- We reserve the right to change or modify these terms at any time. If we make substantial changes to these terms, we will endeavor to inform our non-profit customers. Any violation of these terms and conditions will warrant a termination of your non-profit discount status.
- Once you complete the application the form and are approved, you will receive an email asking you to activate your account by creating a password. We review each application personally, so it may take a day or two. Once you are approved and activate your account, you can log in to order. Non-profit discounts will not be applied unless you are logged in.